Junior High/Senior High
Biblical Emphasis
At Wixom Christian School, every teacher is a committed Christian, who cares not only for the students’ academic needs, but also their spiritual needs. All subjects, therefore, are taught so that every student develops an thorough Biblical worldview. Whether it is in our Biology program or English Literature, students learn what the Bible says about practical issues of life. Bible class meets three times a week in a normal classroom setting. Our goal at WCS is that after their junior high and high school career, a student will better understand the themes of the Old Testament, lessons for Christians from the New Testament, and specific topics that relate to young believers in American society. Every Thursday, students meet for chapel. Chapel is family time for the entire junior high and high school. Whether messages from a guest speaker or staff member or special small group sessions, chapel is designed to address the needs of hearts. As students and faculty member’s hearts hear God’s word, we are better able to apply His will to our lives!
WCS students annually exceed state and national averages on the ACT (American College Test) which is administered to nearly 1.2 million college bound students. Nearly every student who applies for college will be accepted into the college of his or her choice.
Every academic program is fully accredited through the Michigan Association of Christian Schools and the American Association of Christian Schools.
We also offer dual credit courses through Maranatha Baptist University. You can check out more information about this program here.
In an effort to develop a young man or woman’s God-given leadership abilities, WCS offers a variety of opportunities. Each student is given the opportunity to hone their skills and practical serve within the school and the surrounding community. Through Bible challenges, mentoring programs, and many service projects throughout the year, our students are constantly given the opportunity to impact their school and community for the cause of Christ.
A Well-Rounded Education
A student’s educational needs are more than just the basic subject areas. WCS provides opportunities for students to study other avenues of interests through elective courses. Our curriculum is enhanced with courses such as photography, journalism, school newspaper, yearbook, and computer applications.
A vivid fine arts program offers instruction by quality instructors in choir, band, drama, and art. Along with programs throughout the year, these students compete in state and national festivals as they develop their God-given talents.
A competitive sports program for ladies and men includes soccer, volleyball, & basketball. Visit our athletics page for more information.
Jr. High Courses

Sr. High Courses